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nawa_2014's player stats

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6 896
2 544
Marks of Excellence
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Total vehicles: 286

Clans History

Clan Role Joined Left Days in clan
Clan logo [OKAMI] Attack and defend the base.Emphasis on killings Member of this clan at the moment
Clan logo [PZ_TH] (The_PenZer_Thai) Private 13.12.2023 01.01.2024 19
Clan logo [LAUGH] LAUGHTER Private 14.07.2023 12.12.2023 151
Clan logo [REDL] Redline Sniper Junior officer 28.09.2022 13.07.2023 288
Clan logo [OVERC] Over Clock Recruit 13.07.2022 27.09.2022 76
Clan logo [REDL] Redline Sniper Private 20.12.2021 04.07.2022 196
Clan logo [EVEN] Eternity Of Vengeance Private 02.05.2020 19.12.2021 596
Clan logo [HSAKI] Harusaki Private 28.02.2019 07.04.2020 404
Clan logo [DGT-X] DigiTal -X- ThalLand - IN - World Of Tanks Recruitment officer 01.02.2018 27.02.2019 391
Clan logo [DGT-X] DigiTal -X- ThalLand - IN - World Of Tanks Intelligence officer 14.02.2017 18.07.2017 154
Clan logo [WST] War in the Shaows Thailand Recruit 27.04.2016 12.02.2017 291
Clan logo [U] unknown Private 05.03.2016 23.04.2016 49
Clan logo [01BFF] 零壱黒色旗軍 01_Black Flage Force Recruit 23.02.2016 02.03.2016 8