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sama_sam's player stats

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7 423
2 363
Marks of Excellence
Mastery Badges

Session statistics


Total vehicles: 115
Displayed vehicles: 5
Vehicles with battles during the last three months are displayed

Nation Class Tier Name Battles WR DMG K/D FRG EXP MoE Mastery Badges
Germany AT-SPG 10 Grille 15 1 779 47.78% 1 380 0.90 0.66 593 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
United Kingdom AT-SPG 10 FV4005 Stage II 1 299 46.65% 1 406 1.14 0.83 591 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
France Light tanks 8 ELC EVEN 90 609 47.62% 475 0.46 0.40 614 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Germany AT-SPG 10 Jagdpanzer E 100 323 49.85% 1 643 1.04 0.72 637 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
United Kingdom Light tanks 9 GSOR3301 AVR FS 169 47.34% 367 0.18 0.17 550 Mastery Badge: 2 class

Clans History

Clan Role Joined Left Days in clan
Clan logo [AAE] UMALE Member of this clan at the moment
Clan logo [PSHK] Pisces HK Junior officer 01.03.2023 23.11.2023 267