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RELEVENCE's player stats

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10 133
2 372
Marks of Excellence
Mastery Badges

Session statistics


Total vehicles: 13
Displayed vehicles: 4
Vehicles with battles during the last three months are displayed

Nation Class Tier Name Battles WR DMG K/D FRG EXP MoE Mastery Badges
Poland Heavy tanks 10 60TP Lewandowskiego 38 73.68% 3 920 3.10 1.63 1 261 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Czechoslovakia Heavy tanks 10 Gothic Warrior 15 53.33% 4 133 3.43 1.60 1 128 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Poland Medium tanks 10 CS-63 Wilk 11 54.55% 3 788 2.14 1.36 1 134 Mastery Badge: 1 class
United Kingdom Heavy tanks 8 Prospero No battles on this vehicle

Clans History

Clan Role Joined Left Days in clan
Clan logo [DLGTS] 🤜DELEGATES🤛 Member of this clan at the moment
Clan logo [N0_1] Серьёзные парни Combat officer 26.11.2024 21.12.2024 25
Clan logo [N0_1] Серьёзные парни Combat officer 09.11.2024 18.11.2024 9
Clan logo [UNIKS] Young, beautiful, talented, brave! Recruit 01.11.2024 08.11.2024 7
Clan logo [IREL] ACTUALS Executive officer 14.10.2024 30.10.2024 16
Clan logo [6IX9I] Academy of New Talents 69 Combat officer 29.09.2024 11.10.2024 12
Clan logo [XERX] King Xerxes Combat officer 04.09.2024 08.09.2024 4
Clan logo [SHOW4] Black_Show Recruit 26.08.2024 26.08.2024 0
Clan logo [ONSL] ONSLaught-Натиск Intelligence officer 16.07.2024 18.08.2024 33
Clan logo [-V0R-] Vorobey Team Intelligence officer 20.06.2024 15.07.2024 25
Clan logo [NTMNG] no timing 👑👑👑 Executive officer 19.05.2024 18.06.2024 30
Clan logo [4CB-X] UNDER THE INFLUENCE Recruit 18.02.2024 03.03.2024 14
Clan logo [FPS] Low FPS, High Skill Intelligence officer 04.12.2023 15.02.2024 73
Clan logo [EMH] emptiness hate 👑 Executive officer 02.11.2023 03.12.2023 31
Clan logo [FPS] Low FPS, High Skill Combat officer 20.09.2023 31.10.2023 41
Clan logo [_GIGI] GI_GI_ZA_IIIIAGI ФАРМ КЛАН. набор на Ивент Personnel officer 02.09.2023 18.09.2023 16