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Rak_I_Sovskiy's player stats

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17 162
11 878
Marks of Excellence
Mastery Badges

Session statistics

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Total vehicles: 81
Displayed vehicles: 23
Vehicles with battles during the last three months are displayed

Nation Class Tier Name Battles WR DMG K/D FRG EXP MoE Mastery Badges
Germany Heavy tanks 4 Durchbruchswagen 2 2 052 69.20% 1 255 5.74 2.62 893 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Germany AT-SPG 4 Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer 316 60.44% 965 3.88 2.12 551 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Germany Light tanks 4 Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. 270 66.67% 911 3.74 1.90 716 Mastery Badge: 1 class
France AT-SPG 5 M10 RBFM 194 45.36% 842 1.84 1.29 549 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
United Kingdom Medium tanks 5 AEC Armoured Car 185 58.38% 902 1.96 1.30 676 ⭐⭐ Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
United Kingdom Light tanks 4 Cruiser Mk. IV 179 66.48% 1 021 3.30 2.03 766 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
USA AT-SPG 4 M8A1 142 64.08% 856 3.18 1.65 633 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Japan Heavy tanks 5 Mitsu 108 138 61.59% 1 107 2.59 1.63 724 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Italy Medium tanks 4 P26/40 116 64.66% 1 128 4.52 2.34 803 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
USSR Medium tanks 4 Т-28 99 60.61% 556 1.68 1.20 468 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
United Kingdom Medium tanks 4 Matilda 53 52.83% 437 1.29 0.92 419 Mastery Badge: 1 class
France Heavy tanks 4 B1 40 60.00% 1 015 3.17 1.83 702 Mastery Badge: 1 class
Germany Medium tanks 5 VK 30.01 (H) 29 44.83% 851 1.43 1.03 606 Mastery Badge: 2 class
China Light tanks 4 M5A1 Stuart 28 64.29% 972 3.60 1.93 700 Mastery Badge: 1 class
Germany Medium tanks 6 VK 30.02 (M) 15 60.00% 730 1.67 1 680 Mastery Badge: 1 class
USA AT-SPG 5 M10 Wolverine 13 53.85% 1 013 1.67 1.15 666 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Italy Medium tanks 9 Prototipo 6 8 50.00% 1 055 0.57 0.50 682 Mastery Badge: 3 class
USSR Medium tanks 6 Т-34-85 7 57.14% 874 0.86 0.86 616 Mastery Badge: 2 class
Czechoslovakia Medium tanks 8 Škoda T 27 5 80.00% 940 N/A N/A 765 Mastery Badge: 3 class
USSR Heavy tanks 8 К-2 4 50.00% 2 090 2.67 2 1 144 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Czechoslovakia Medium tanks 7 Konštrukta T-34/100 3 33.33% 344 N/A N/A 359
Sweden Heavy tanks 9 Strv K 1 100.00% 1 157 N/A N/A 917 Mastery Badge: 3 class
USSR Medium tanks 8 Объект 168Н 1 100.00% 896 N/A N/A 777

Clans History

Clan Role Joined Left Days in clan
Clan logo [-APIS] Bearing Paradoxical Abnormality in The Sandbox Member of this clan at the moment
Clan logo [SPLEH] SPLESHWOT Private 13.08.2023 05.10.2023 53