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Law_year's player stats

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11 371
2 772
Marks of Excellence
Mastery Badges

Session statistics


Total vehicles: 153
Displayed vehicles: 19
Vehicles with battles during the last three months are displayed

Nation Class Tier Name Battles WR DMG K/D FRG EXP MoE Mastery Badges
Germany AT-SPG 8 Rheinmetall Skorpion G 3 165 56.40% 1 928 1.80 1.27 921 ⭐⭐ Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
USSR AT-SPG 8 СУ-130ПМ 526 57.41% 1 998 1.51 1.12 939 ⭐⭐ Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
USSR Medium tanks 10 Объект 430У 377 57.03% 2 867 2.07 1.38 956 ⭐⭐ Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Poland Heavy tanks 10 60TP Lewandowskiego 361 63.71% 3 199 1.77 1.19 1 003 ⭐⭐ Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
USSR Heavy tanks 10 ИС-7 337 51.93% 2 324 1.73 1.12 840 ⭐⭐ Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Germany AT-SPG 10 Grille 15 337 56.68% 2 672 1.95 1.26 780 ⭐⭐ Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
United Kingdom AT-SPG 10 FV4005 Stage II 325 52.92% 2 582 1.91 1.35 781 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
USA Medium tanks 10 M48A5 Patton 240 57.08% 2 615 1.49 1.11 902 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
United Kingdom Heavy tanks 10 T95/FV4201 Chieftain 240 62.08% 2 799 1.61 1.15 978 Mastery Badge: 1 class
USSR Medium tanks 10 Объект 907 227 59.03% 2 663 1.80 1.24 986 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
China Heavy tanks 10 WZ-111 model 5A 162 56.17% 2 808 1.53 1.06 909 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Italy Medium tanks 8 Progetto M35 mod. 46 78 53.85% 1 791 1.53 1.14 931 Mastery Badge: 1 class
USSR Light tanks 10 Т-100 ЛТ 58 56.90% 1 075 0.68 0.55 810 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Italy Medium tanks 10 Progetto M40 mod. 65 44 50.00% 2 363 1.12 0.86 776 Mastery Badge: 1 class
France Heavy tanks 9 AMX M4 mle. 51 44 54.55% 2 553 1.23 0.84 1 067 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Germany Medium tanks 9 E 50 39 56.41% 2 299 1.61 1.28 984 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
USSR AT-SPG 10 Объект 268 Вариант 4 34 44.12% 1 822 0.31 0.29 676 Mastery Badge: 2 class
USA Heavy tanks 8 T77 2 50.00% 526 N/A N/A 687
USSR AT-SPG 8 ИСУ-152К 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 206

Clans History

Clan Role Joined Left Days in clan
Clan logo [FM_LT] FARM.LOOT Member of this clan at the moment
Clan logo [4PP] "Чебуречная" Пафосных Пёсиков ™ Reservist 28.02.2023 28.02.2023 0
Clan logo [LT_FM] LOOT.Farm Recruit 28.03.2022 04.04.2022 7
Clan logo [LT_FM] LOOT.Farm Intelligence officer 11.08.2020 24.01.2022 531
Clan logo [LT_FM] LOOT.Farm Recruitment officer 28.05.2020 09.08.2020 73
Clan logo [UGAME] Unskilled Gaming Community Reservist 08.03.2020 11.05.2020 64
Clan logo [CTLS] CTLS Intelligence officer 15.02.2020 27.02.2020 12
Clan logo [CTLS] CTLS Intelligence officer 10.02.2020 13.02.2020 3
Clan logo [STAXI] YES, STAXI... Combat officer 12.01.2020 08.02.2020 27
Clan logo [QRNG-] CRINGE ;-) Private 06.01.2020 11.01.2020 5
Clan logo [-AFT-] AL'FA™ Reservist 09.12.2019 15.12.2019 6