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PASHA2054's player stats

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5 205
1 756
Marks of Excellence
Mastery Badges

Session statistics


Total vehicles: 88
Displayed vehicles: 1
Vehicles with battles during the last three months are displayed

Nation Class Tier Name Battles WR DMG K/D FRG EXP MoE Mastery Badges
France Heavy tanks 10 AMX 50 B 121 42.98% 700 0.28 0.22 392 Mastery Badge: 2 class

Clans History

Clan Role Joined Left Days in clan
Clan logo [CEPA2] 💲 ФАРМ 💲 С УТРА ДО НОЧИㅤ Member of this clan at the moment
Clan logo [1MR] 1-я мотострелковая рота! Private 27.12.2022 05.02.2023 40
Clan logo [1_RUS] Russia_ Junior officer 10.02.2019 22.01.2020 346
Clan logo [-3_G-] Good Game Guys™ Recruit 18.11.2017 08.09.2018 294
Clan logo [DN-W] DOMINATORS _WOT Recruit 03.06.2017 25.06.2017 22
Clan logo [DARAL] "Dark Alliance" Recruit 13.03.2017 30.03.2017 17
Clan logo [RYBOY] ANGRY BOYS Reservist 31.08.2016 17.10.2016 47
Clan logo [] Recruit 28.06.2016 26.08.2016 59
Clan logo [HE-LP] H-E-L-P Recruit 03.02.2016 31.03.2016 57
Clan logo [2208] ЗАКАЛЕННЫЕ ДУХОМ Recruit 08.12.2015 08.12.2015 0
Clan logo [UVENT] Unicornis Ventus Recruit 18.07.2015 21.11.2015 126