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dimaster12332116's player stats

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7 871
2 447
Marks of Excellence
Mastery Badges

Session statistics


Total vehicles: 154
Displayed vehicles: 9
Vehicles with battles during the last three months are displayed

Nation Class Tier Name Battles WR DMG K/D FRG EXP MoE Mastery Badges
Germany Medium tanks 10 Leopard 1 793 51.45% 2 238 1.44 1.04 777 Mastery Badge: 1 class
Italy Medium tanks 10 Progetto M40 mod. 65 268 51.87% 2 089 1.50 1.13 805 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
France Light tanks 10 Panhard EBR 105 238 44.96% 996 0.59 0.50 638 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Sweden AT-SPG 10 Strv 103B 128 45.31% 1 714 1.35 0.93 633 Mastery Badge: 1 class
United Kingdom AT-SPG 10 FV4005 Stage II 101 52.48% 1 846 1.60 1 657 Mastery Badge: 1 class
USA AT-SPG 10 T110E4 97 50.52% 1 559 1.20 0.81 682 Mastery Badge: 1 class
Germany Heavy tanks 10 E 100 65 55.38% 1 770 1.21 0.80 809 Mastery Badge: 1 class
USSR Medium tanks 9 Объект 430 55 52.73% 1 434 0.88 0.69 826 Mastery Badge: 1 class
France AT-SPG 10 AMX 50 Foch B 22 36.36% 1 563 0.79 0.68 596 Mastery Badge: 2 class

Clans History

Clan Role Joined Left Days in clan
Clan logo [MIFIK] MIFIK Member of this clan at the moment
Clan logo [JKSG] Жаренная_Картошечка_с_Грибочками Recruitment officer 23.11.2023 10.04.2024 139
Clan logo [BTG1] Born To Grill Recruit 08.05.2023 05.11.2023 181
Clan logo [RTB61] * * * Ростовская Танковая Бригада * * * Private 08.06.2022 06.05.2023 332
Clan logo [BUDD] Сибирские Герефорды Recruit 12.02.2018 07.08.2020 906