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[PSYOP] PSY-OPS clan's stats

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2 595
1 555
1 082
8 247
7 371
5 486
4 468
Avg. Battles
15 024
Avg. Battles Daily
Avg. 10-tiers


Total Members: 77
Active Members: 70

Player WN8 WR DMG K/D D/R FRG Battles
Recon_ricky 14 381 100.00% 1 543 N/D 6.78 5.14 7
WACK_HACK_Dem_REROLLS 11 528 93.31% 1 654 13.67 5.00 2.66 1 001
VLADIMIR_GOT_CHEATS 10 111 92.30% 1 522 15.80 5.28 2.46 1 246
Killer_bird70 10 050 81.82% 1 211 11.00 4.97 4 11
REROLL_SCUM 9 478 77.78% 1 445 11.67 5.04 3.89 9
REROLLS_R_LOSERS 9 084 90.63% 1 416 11.03 4.52 2.41 1 057
Sin_Precaucion 8 639 65.22% 1 152 4.00 2.28 2.26 23
Scout__Tank_ 6 790 75.31% 885 5.86 3.75 2.70 486
Temistocles_7 6 588 70.18% 1 171 8.51 3.78 2.97 919
cide706 6 216 78.36% 651 15.29 6.67 3.88 134
ScipioAfricanus_69 5 149 60.89% 1 230 2.43 2.06 1.65 8 834
E_Tool 4 883 68.29% 1 249 4.22 3.22 2.12 6 319
EckkzD 4 718 74.86% 491 7.28 4.87 3.13 3 783
I_KILL_HACKERS_ 4 616 60.19% 1 583 3.10 2.03 2.06 427
Galvanized_ 4 607 74.74% 474 9.00 5.06 3.21 1 247
Draglineman01 4 524 64.05% 1 440 3.60 1.84 2.14 1 043
Marshrutchick 4 394 82.15% 1 493 6.70 2.67 2.19 2 751
____yacare____ 4 340 60.87% 1 359 4.84 2.31 2.25 69
Jody_was_there_when 4 022 66.62% 968 6.30 3.73 2.50 10 271
Algerd 3 759 69.27% 1 568 5.26 3.20 2.10 51 559
Purple_Oompa_Loompa 3 575 54.21% 1 089 3.18 2.30 1.68 1 116
_Foxey_ 3 548 68.66% 1 263 4.29 2.41 1.80 42 675
SGT_Tek 3 528 74.75% 985 4.85 2.95 1.92 44 964
American_Grenadier666 3 510 70.46% 1 481 4.36 2.51 2.06 88 666
JC_Lima 3 476 65.67% 1 137 3.66 2.09 1.97 201
amanita_ 3 410 50.59% 1 172 2.49 1.82 1.75 854
dW3D0Rb 3 343 67.15% 907 2.13 1.77 1.53 137
Scirocco_Masser 3 314 49.16% 1 125 2.38 2.16 1.65 12 432
play4funz 3 177 76.83% 1 117 5.85 2.90 2.09 18 259
Premedatation 3 174 76.72% 928 5.24 2.75 2.04 1 774
Fitter1975 3 149 63.61% 1 037 3.23 2.18 1.84 24 656
Boomer1965 3 080 51.85% 1 038 2.47 2.74 1.56 5 213
Da_Butcher_001 3 060 56.24% 1 033 2.70 1.75 1.62 2 379
Grinnie 2 992 62.11% 869 2.42 1.83 1.47 3 961
_Preddy 2 953 77.09% 1 135 6.58 3.23 2.16 5 552
El_Rayo_Mcqueen_018 2 822 66.84% 1 182 2.49 1.32 1.72 187
DeltaFoxtrotWhiskey_1 2 811 56.21% 967 2.90 2.31 1.56 9 067
K4L4VER4 2 793 58.08% 1 047 3.36 1.82 1.78 334
NonBid3n4iry 2 791 60.44% 957 2.24 1.56 1.40 2 973
_AZmazo_ 2 669 55.82% 703 1.54 1.45 1.09 1 786
Monita_panzer 2 646 59.79% 966 2.19 1.54 1.36 7 295
_Disgustipated_ 2 619 56.82% 1 817 2.16 1.80 1.28 49 691
PREDY2 2 570 89.21% 1 252 8.46 3.04 2.22 2 948
nav_varda 2 546 60.56% 1 277 2.86 1.69 1.55 35 828
MrSlam 2 522 54.60% 1 224 2.16 1.44 1.31 5 399
Abdoman 2 511 72.53% 724 4.25 2.48 1.92 77 373
Sodski 2 505 56.79% 848 2.13 1.92 1.43 162
wreckhavic 2 471 57.58% 1 085 2.44 1.63 1.43 7 741
FloydfreakTMW 2 458 75.33% 1 051 4.80 2.20 1.85 63 980
Georgedesica_1 2 458 62.68% 1 033 2.19 1.40 1.39 284
DMB_Yevhem 2 337 63.38% 653 3.28 2.25 1.46 284
Pieron_Silesian 2 309 55.87% 1 389 1.81 1.42 1.28 358
im_in_trouble 2 254 60.66% 732 2.02 1.50 1.28 2 214
BOOGERFLKR292 2 254 55.88% 666 1.83 1.81 1.16 20 918
canadiansamiam 2 188 57.68% 698 1.92 1.58 1.36 63 181
Van_Goghs_left_ear 2 150 52.13% 782 2.21 2.57 1.27 2 678
Opps_killed_U 2 127 56.33% 931 1.97 1.50 1.28 16 529
Shanehzoah 2 070 54.22% 1 412 1.75 1.43 1.18 54 182
Maschine_Automat 2 057 49.82% 686 1.64 1.34 1.19 279
SterlingArcher1969 2 025 55.86% 1 032 1.61 1.34 1.18 14 521
TROLL_PATROL 1 995 62.63% 759 2.18 1.40 1.34 85 002
Neo_09 1 912 58.52% 612 2.00 1.56 1.16 311
Bigtankoflove 1 871 56.27% 891 2.37 1.48 1.37 26 507
justaplayer_8 1 832 52.54% 682 1.45 1.25 1.10 453
SoloHanYT1300 1 797 55.85% 792 1.81 1.36 1.25 58 930
cervantes_2024 1 746 48.17% 758 1.87 1.12 1.22 1 856
GrindlerGaming 1 715 53.55% 1 012 1.31 1.15 0.97 53 076
sub_bear_ 1 686 56.71% 1 018 1.86 1.50 1.15 58 029
Blizzard_Spy 1 563 49.85% 1 312 1.67 1.41 1.05 1 374
General4545 1 381 52.93% 952 1.24 0.88 0.99 29 530