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[DDEU] -DieDeutschen- clan's stats

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Haste_mal_ne_Mark 1 029 49.89% 752 0.82 0.89 0.66
hugoworld 915 52.20% 269 0.86 N/A 0.86
jazznote 601 46.38% 494 0.70 0.63 0.51
Tanker1506 495 45.78% 443 0.68 0.57 0.49
Lenker_der_Schlachten18 408 48.80% 169 0.57 N/A 0.57
Zerstoerer_Andi 407 53.78% 115 0.67 N/A 0.67
DerDeutsche11 393 45.13% 237 0.72 0.55 0.55
xXnilspferdXx 370 44.51% 238 0.55 0.48 0.47
honkomatic 299 45.20% 253 0.50 0.44 0.39
namenicht 293 48.00% 116 0.65 0.63 0.53
GroeFaZ_Kuecke 267 53.01% 92 0.44 N/A 0.44
heroM13 116 51.09% 81 0.34 N/A 0.34
siml10 112 44.93% 104 0.33 N/A 0.33
M_Steiner 107 45.12% 85 0.24 N/A 0.24
Cdr_Spock 49 45.74% 73 0.26 N/A 0.26