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[6AH] Временный, частичный, вечный clan's stats

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1 194
1 051
5 822
4 799
7 797
3 495
1 731
4 101
Avg. Battles
38 243
Avg. Battles Daily
Avg. 10-tiers


Total Members: 73

Player WN8 WR DMG K/D D/R FRG Battles
barsoman 2 129 54.26% 1 866 1.78 1.47 1.11 24 215
tankist_kyctodrot 1 914 53.65% 1 234 1.30 1.25 0.91 1 808
KyleBraslowsky 1 858 52.45% 1 700 1.43 1.32 0.95 17 498
Shalltearq 1 847 52.89% 1 201 1.36 1.24 0.95 9 941
585_ 1 763 51.36% 1 461 0.99 1.14 0.78 19 657
War_Pig_ 1 528 51.83% 1 466 1.27 1.07 0.93 89 753
SABLEZUB_89rus 1 520 51.53% 1 081 1.72 1.38 1.09 44 657
ATM2012 1 506 51.68% 1 175 1.16 0.97 0.84 2 289
Dinamik_13 1 499 51.45% 1 188 1.36 1.15 0.92 12 785
__KNOT_ 1 488 51.28% 1 329 1.17 1.07 0.87 54 599
bahram11111 1 471 51.27% 1 140 1.69 1.58 1.03 35 765
Fanat23456 1 432 50.96% 1 140 1.25 1.09 0.92 30 367
CJIoBo_naLI_aHa 1 428 53.13% 1 281 1.66 1.50 0.98 672
BURA_100 1 426 50.59% 941 1.61 1.05 1.08 10 481
Andrey7570 1 393 49.64% 1 468 1.15 1.03 0.81 49 678
INDEEZ_JOE_ 1 386 50.10% 1 305 1.16 1.11 0.80 47 721
nigram 1 379 48.57% 1 532 1.08 1.09 0.77 4 070
____myrat______ 1 371 49.54% 1 407 0.89 0.96 0.73 38 178
vishny007 1 367 50.46% 1 121 0.87 0.97 0.69 14 152
M1navodchik 1 339 51.53% 1 036 1.06 0.92 0.81 119 791
potroshitell93 1 329 50.61% 1 052 1.08 0.97 0.83 52 391
Bondor 1 323 51.69% 1 042 1.34 1.22 0.89 58 501
Hoffers 1 314 48.19% 1 264 1.23 1.24 0.84 28 722
RomanPiton 1 302 49.31% 1 197 1.20 1.43 0.82 51 723
tolik21258 1 290 49.72% 1 083 0.97 1.07 0.73 43 937
ilfat322 1 279 50.05% 832 0.96 1.03 0.72 20 932
SagemiK 1 272 48.70% 1 165 0.99 1.02 0.76 42 742
_Devil_MayCry 1 270 49.56% 1 176 1.03 1.05 0.77 66 997
E6oIIlep 1 243 48.00% 1 408 0.77 0.86 0.64 1 252
Bormon_95 1 242 48.84% 1 191 1.10 0.99 0.81 39 905
PING_WIN_XIII 1 227 49.90% 975 1.06 0.95 0.85 21 157
Pro100Viktor616 1 219 48.55% 1 002 0.90 0.99 0.71 55 211
090120042015 1 216 49.03% 891 1.04 0.90 0.80 23 030
Lovelt 1 215 49.31% 1 102 0.94 0.92 0.73 37 111
Toha164 1 190 48.21% 1 127 0.96 0.98 0.73 10 202
TAHK_POLICE_HAGIBAET 1 184 50.42% 1 067 0.86 0.82 0.68 40 470
maloi92603 1 181 49.33% 910 1.07 0.98 0.78 18 407
NerollWo 1 171 48.61% 1 034 0.97 0.93 0.76 11 810
__STRV_ 1 170 49.20% 1 114 0.86 0.86 0.70 53 479
KONDOR_ 1 169 48.38% 1 143 1.07 0.96 0.73 32 985
__III_y_X_e_P__ 1 165 49.70% 1 008 0.86 0.97 0.68 10 512
MYXA_36_RU 1 162 48.08% 1 057 1.14 1.38 0.78 46 409
4264maks4264 1 157 49.67% 1 062 0.92 1.01 0.68 9 196
Vot_kupil_sebe_tank 1 154 50.90% 840 0.78 0.86 0.65 24 013
kolbaser777 1 137 47.61% 1 022 1.09 0.99 0.80 118 373
KiRill_RU_152 1 128 48.29% 953 0.88 0.94 0.68 49 784
Dadlc 1 102 49.08% 821 0.99 0.98 0.75 14 904
__Andante__ 1 093 51.21% 884 0.84 0.83 0.70 65 389
Swagmen41 1 091 47.80% 1 082 0.83 0.88 0.67 30 011
ALMA3ento116rusZK 1 087 49.36% 889 0.95 0.89 0.73 63 592
zreanimator 1 078 48.45% 1 089 0.88 0.90 0.69 36 771
dbess 1 075 48.58% 933 0.83 0.86 0.65 61 708
Shvanov 1 066 49.32% 827 0.92 0.88 0.68 16 064
Vikoztrof 1 065 49.24% 947 0.82 0.85 0.64 78 066
Dmitri_26 1 055 48.59% 806 1.00 0.88 0.76 36 137
Partizan610 1 042 47.75% 989 1.20 1.01 0.77 46 220
23SKIF04 1 037 48.16% 976 0.81 0.82 0.65 129 016
Dyadka_Serega 1 036 48.40% 866 0.91 0.93 0.68 50 141
REMBO_43 1 008 47.03% 1 079 0.90 0.82 0.68 33 891
bandit199083 1 003 48.45% 876 0.89 0.80 0.69 49 799
MisterDimm 994 48.58% 754 0.83 0.81 0.66 30 673
faustgunner 954 48.28% 794 0.76 0.78 0.64 21 550
Simba1978 940 49.12% 719 0.88 0.79 0.66 20 802
___A__P__T__E__M___ 932 48.44% 716 0.86 0.82 0.69 18 563
_DeaD_MOPO3_i3_By_exe 904 47.77% 1 071 0.73 0.74 0.56 16 372
Victor_Germany 870 47.09% 866 0.78 0.75 0.62 58 480
Grimmjow2700 847 47.42% 758 0.72 0.77 0.57 14 835
KrashKillandDestroy 794 48.78% 588 0.76 0.78 0.56 13 101
XLL64 776 46.57% 1 014 0.62 0.68 0.50 12 912
alexsandr2836 732 46.37% 741 0.65 0.64 0.55 69 547
REW1031981 676 47.05% 592 0.70 0.68 0.55 19 269
DEMOTIVATOR_80 608 46.71% 546 0.52 0.55 0.41 25 605
MycapuJla N/A 35.60% 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 455