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Only_Mc's player stats

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1 706
1 875
Marks of Excellence
Mastery Badges

Session statistics


Total vehicles: 2
Displayed vehicles: 1
Vehicles with battles during the last three months are displayed

Nation Class Tier Name Battles WR DMG K/D FRG EXP MoE Mastery Badges
USSR Light tanks 1 МС-1 2 332 65.74% 411 4.62 2.34 395 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker

Clans History

Clan Role Joined Left Days in clan
Clan logo [ICOTI] БУНКЕР ТАНКИСТОВ Member of this clan at the moment
Clan logo [JKTP] JOKER KART TOP Recruit 30.10.2024 31.10.2024 0
Clan logo [ARMAH] [Рожденные в СССР] Recruit 23.09.2024 17.10.2024 24
Clan logo [AHGEJ] Воины Царства Небесного Recruit 07.08.2024 10.09.2024 34
Clan logo [L_TOP] Legendary_TOP_ Recruit 08.07.2024 11.07.2024 3
Clan logo [-KLAB] КЛУБ любителей взводных покатушек !! Recruit 22.06.2024 22.06.2024 0
Clan logo [DDOS] DDoS Private 26.03.2018 05.06.2024 2 263
Clan logo [KENYA] Kenyan Shamans Private 14.01.2018 11.02.2018 27
Clan logo [SB--P] SB - Professional Recruit 06.07.2016 20.04.2017 288
Clan logo [RAK_V] РАНДОМНЫЙ АДЕКВАТНЫЙ КЛАН_П О Б Е Д А!!! Recruit 04.07.2016 04.07.2016 0
Clan logo [MIYAU] NinjaCat Reservist 26.07.2015 30.08.2015 34
Clan logo [GUN-S] The Guns Junior officer 25.11.2014 24.07.2015 241
Clan logo [RED32] The RED: 32 Unknown role 20.09.2014 21.11.2014 62