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UnenthusiasticTug's player stats

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5 040
2 361
Marks of Excellence
Mastery Badges

Session statistics


Total vehicles: 28

Nation Class Tier Name Battles WR DMG K/D FRG EXP MoE Mastery Badges
China Medium tanks 8 Type 59 G 21 38.10% 1 509 0.72 0.62 828 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
USSR Heavy tanks 8 Object 252U Defender 20 50.00% 1 756 1.24 1.05 960 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
USA Heavy tanks 7 T29 17 47.06% 1 954 2.33 1.65 1 132 Mastery Badge: 1 class
France Medium tanks 8 Lorraine 40 t 15 53.33% 1 573 1.58 1.27 819 Mastery Badge: 2 class
USA Heavy tanks 6 M6 10 60.00% 1 596 2.57 1.80 1 105 Mastery Badge: 1 class
Germany Light tanks 8 HWK 30 10 50.00% 1 040 0.56 0.50 724 Mastery Badge: 1 class
Czechoslovakia Medium tanks 8 Škoda T 27 10 20.00% 1 107 0.78 0.70 537 Mastery Badge: 3 class
China Light tanks 6 Type 64 10 50.00% 993 1 0.90 762 Mastery Badge: 2 class
USSR Heavy tanks 5 KV-1 9 44.44% 1 610 4.67 3.11 1 090 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Sweden Medium tanks 6 Strv 74 8 62.50% 569 0.38 0.38 513 Mastery Badge: 3 class
USA Heavy tanks 5 T1 Heavy Tank 8 87.50% 1 311 5 1.88 1 095 Mastery Badge: 1 class
USSR AT-SPG 8 Forest Spirit 8 25.00% 2 580 1.67 1.25 799 Mastery Badge: 1 class
USA Medium tanks 4 T6 Medium 7 57.14% 1 449 3.80 2.71 1 118 Mastery Badge: 1 class
USA Light tanks 3 M3 Stuart 6 66.67% 1 224 2 1.67 882 Mastery Badge: 1 class
USSR Medium tanks 4 T-28 6 66.67% 1 235 2.20 1.83 816 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Sweden Medium tanks 5 Strv m/42 5 80.00% 1 592 5.50 2.20 1 206 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
USSR Heavy tanks 6 KV-1S 5 60.00% 1 107 2 1.60 891 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Germany Medium tanks 5 VK 30.01 (H) 4 N/A 223 N/A N/A 157
USSR Heavy tanks 5 Churchill III 4 25.00% 534 2 1 527 Mastery Badge: 3 class
Sweden Light tanks 2 Strv m/38 3 N/A 831 2.67 2.67 484 Mastery Badge: 2 class
Sweden Light tanks 3 Strv m/40L 3 66.67% 763 2.50 1.67 735 Mastery Badge: 2 class
Sweden Medium tanks 4 Lago 3 66.67% 921 2 1.33 727 Mastery Badge: 1 class
Germany Medium tanks 4 Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J 3 66.67% 1 225 7 2.33 915 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Germany Light tanks 2 Pz.Kpfw. II 2 50.00% 1 223 4 4 1 058 Mastery Badge: 2 class
Sweden Light tanks 1 Strv fm/21 1 100.00% 887 1 1 765 Mastery Badge: 1 class
Germany Light tanks 1 Leichttraktor 1 100.00% 346 N/D 4 612
Germany Light tanks 3 Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. E 1 100.00% 1 333 N/D 2 1 073 Mastery Badge: 2 class
France AT-SPG 5 M10 RBFM 1 N/A 447 N/A N/A 285

Clans History

Clan Role Joined Left Days in clan
Clan logo [H4DES] -HADES- Member of this clan at the moment
Clan logo [RAWR_] RAWR! lmma Dinosaur Executive officer 15.07.2021 24.11.2024 1 228
Clan logo [H4DES] -HADES- Executive officer 21.06.2021 14.07.2021 23
Clan logo [H4DES] -HADES- Personnel officer 23.02.2021 22.04.2021 58