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_RuFuz_TheI3lacKWinGs_'s player stats

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6 665
2 571
Marks of Excellence
Mastery Badges

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Total vehicles: 158

Clans History

Clan Role Joined Left Days in clan
Clan logo [OKAMI] Attack and defend the base.Emphasis on killings Member of this clan at the moment
Clan logo [OKAMI] Attack and defend the base.Emphasis on killings Recruit 12.09.2021 24.01.2022 134
Clan logo [UT-TH] Unity of Thailand Personnel officer 13.03.2020 11.09.2020 182
Clan logo [UT-TH] Unity of Thailand Reservist 27.01.2020 12.03.2020 45
Clan logo [OKAMI] Attack and defend the base.Emphasis on killings Private 12.01.2019 29.12.2019 351
Clan logo [] Recruit 29.12.2018 06.01.2019 8
Clan logo [OKAMI] Attack and defend the base.Emphasis on killings Recruit 29.07.2018 28.12.2018 152
Clan logo [OKAMI] Attack and defend the base.Emphasis on killings Recruit 23.04.2018 27.07.2018 95
Clan logo [UT-TH] Unity of Thailand Private 12.11.2016 19.04.2018 523
Clan logo [MARIA] Guardian Angel of Maria st. Private 26.09.2016 10.11.2016 45
Clan logo [GUPKR] Girls und panzer-Kuromorimine High school Recruit 22.08.2016 24.09.2016 33