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Shengxiang's player stats

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7 398
2 228
Marks of Excellence
Mastery Badges

Session statistics


Total vehicles: 223
Displayed vehicles: 14
Vehicles with battles during the last three months are displayed

Nation Class Tier Name Battles WR DMG K/D FRG EXP MoE Mastery Badges
United Kingdom AT-SPG 10 FV4005 Stage II 302 45.36% 1 980 1.79 1.16 519 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
France Light tanks 8 ELC EVEN 90 187 55.61% 682 1.04 0.63 557 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Germany AT-SPG 10 Jagdpanzer E 100 150 45.33% 2 056 1.68 0.95 582 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
France Light tanks 7 Hotchkiss EBR 116 55.17% 536 0.65 0.56 511 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
USA Heavy tanks 10 T57 Heavy Tank 85 41.18% 1 924 1.22 0.92 554 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
USSR AT-SPG 10 Object 268 Version 4 85 51.76% 2 339 1.44 0.93 638 Mastery Badge: 1 class
USSR SPG 10 Object 261 62 53.23% 1 657 0.82 0.44 612 Mastery Badge: 2 class
Italy Medium tanks 10 Progetto M40 mod. 65 54 44.44% 2 100 2 1.26 602 Mastery Badge: 1 class
Germany Heavy tanks 10 Pz.Kpfw. VII 46 41.30% 2 141 1.09 0.76 653 Mastery Badge: 1 class
France Heavy tanks 10 AMX M4 mle. 54 35 60.00% 2 280 1.88 0.91 752 Mastery Badge: 2 class
United Kingdom Medium tanks 10 Centurion Action X 17 35.29% 1 784 1 0.59 473 Mastery Badge: 3 class
Germany Heavy tanks 10 Maus 9 55.56% 1 552 1.33 0.89 684 Mastery Badge: 2 class
United Kingdom Heavy tanks 7 Black Prince 4 50.00% 633 0.50 0.50 555
USSR Heavy tanks 9 Object 257 4 25.00% 1 135 0.25 0.25 516

Clans History

Clan Role Joined Left Days in clan
Clan logo [SOTE] Seraph of the end Member of this clan at the moment
Clan logo [G-I] Genyosha - Ichi Junior officer 22.01.2018 26.01.2018 4
Clan logo [TW-LQ] Team Wolfpack 狼群 Recruit 31.12.2017 20.01.2018 20
Clan logo [-TW-] The Wolves Recruit 17.11.2016 27.12.2017 405
Clan logo [TW_B] 世界和平 Private 15.02.2016 14.11.2016 273
Clan logo [U] unknown Recruit 20.01.2016 13.02.2016 24
Clan logo [TN_MN] Teeläden_Maiden Private 15.05.2015 18.01.2016 248