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XVM for World of Tanks 0.9.16

New release: XVM for World of Tanks 0.9.16.


* fixed "crewMaxPerksCount" option

* added "damageLog" implementation using py_macro
Forum thread (Russian)
* added new section "damageLog"
* added new elements in sections "battleLabels" and "battleLabelsTemplates":
"damageLog" - received damage log
"timerReload" - cooldown timer for the last damager
"lastHit" - pop up with the received damage

* braces for functions without arguments can be omitted
* macros formatting implemented
* added mouse events in the battle labels which can be
handled in py_macro using the function as_callback(event_name):
"click" - event is sent when the mouse button clicked inside the field
"mouseDown" - event is sent when the mouse button pressed inside the field
"mouseUp" - event is sent when the mouse button released inside the field
"mouseOver" - event is sent when the mouse pointer enters the field
"mouseOut" - event is sent when the mouse pointer leaves the field
"mouseMove" - event is sent when mouse pointer moves inside the field
"mouseWheel" - event is sent when mouse wheel rolled inside the field

* in sections "clock", "pingServers", "onlineServers" option "topmost" replaced with "layer"
* added new options in the "hangar" section:
"showBuyPremiumButton" - show "Buy premium" button
"showPremiumShopButton" - show "Premium shop" button
"crewMaxPerksCount" - number of perks to show without grouping
* fixed {{v.elite}} macro in the carousel
* added new options in the "carousel"/"normal"/"fields" and "carousel"/"small"/"fields" sections:
"flag" - nation flag
"tankIcon" - vehicle icon

* fixed "minimapDeadSwitch" option
* added global macros:
{{my-clan}} - my clan