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[_N0_1] The BEST of the BEST_ clan's stats

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3 113
1 709
1 071
8 764
7 511
7 351
7 207
Avg. Battles
12 104
Avg. Battles Daily
Avg. 10-tiers


Total Members: 100

Player WN8 WR DMG K/D D/R FRG Battles
A_Mayham 7 400 69.05% 1 316 4.02 2.61 2.23 3 257
Soul_boy 7 168 70.97% 1 204 6.38 3.44 2.68 31
EVADES_uMEET 6 319 74.06% 1 311 6.43 3.76 2.42 3 920
_TBOu_POT_Tyga_CIOgA_ 5 708 78.61% 1 135 5.36 2.86 2.32 360
exSolitude_XX 5 610 69.76% 1 135 4.27 2.74 2.29 658
by_DYNAMO 5 350 66.67% 1 466 3.45 2.35 1.97 435
Markizz_Tankueet 5 334 69.30% 1 239 3.35 2.17 2.07 4 290
_mr_JoKeR_ 4 910 74.83% 1 008 2.78 2.14 1.46 4 418
Hajun 4 856 72.22% 1 100 2.37 2.25 1.58 126
AHraPHblu_CTaTuCT 4 805 71.10% 1 299 4.58 3.53 2.39 15 217
_AC_1 4 738 90.00% 929 7.70 3.34 2.12 3 960
3Jlbl_LLlbl3Jlb 4 633 80.79% 857 4.61 2.51 1.69 16 905
Nikulia_metkiy 4 564 88.46% 1 259 11.62 5.83 2.47 31 841
CTPNTITN3EPLLIA 4 486 63.21% 882 2.49 1.93 1.65 405
COVID_PRO 4 394 82.48% 900 5.70 2.65 2.15 7 173
XO39IUH_PA3PA6OB 4 374 69.38% 1 251 4.34 2.23 2.17 3 632
shokolat_Mars 4 367 65.60% 1 243 3.15 1.77 1.89 125
AC_1_1 4 344 89.99% 853 8.46 3.44 2.18 8 054
_CMEPTb_u3_TyJlbl_ 4 321 90.71% 980 5.67 2.87 1.77 7 965
XyLiGaN_rus124_ 4 180 86.41% 1 357 5.60 4.61 2.09 25 133
_SEXYpower 4 112 64.97% 1 781 2.92 2.12 1.76 1 122
_BEZZUUMEC_ 4 077 80.63% 1 128 4.88 2.71 2.00 5 632
EVADES_4l70KAET 4 072 87.08% 1 296 8.45 5.13 2.25 8 310
JustBabaYaga 4 036 74.79% 1 265 5.51 2.66 2.18 7 049
_Y_A_S_H_M_A___ 4 006 83.64% 761 7.51 2.52 2.09 269
PloHish__20 4 001 85.86% 1 063 7.49 4.11 1.97 19 337
KPACABA_24 3 953 70.47% 948 4.18 3.47 1.81 2 743
pa3Begka_________ 3 942 90.13% 818 9.27 2.75 2.01 841
EvgeHbl4_1976 3 920 75.29% 786 4.02 2.25 1.74 1 635
___Skored__ 3 887 72.48% 939 4.26 3.01 1.73 8 115
vov_1_1 3 829 61.75% 927 2.98 2.08 1.64 3 647
uHkBu3uTop_CTaTbl 3 797 71.32% 1 104 2.98 1.87 1.76 5 582
metalli 3 724 64.99% 1 267 4.01 4.06 1.87 417
6E3_IIIAHCOB_HA_no6eDy 3 724 67.77% 1 423 4.33 2.10 1.91 211
_I7oJIuHka_XBouHka_ 3 702 69.42% 808 3.66 1.99 1.97 4 669
LeopardHub 3 702 63.27% 922 2.58 2.01 1.55 98
igra_sdohla 3 641 66.79% 929 3.74 2.99 1.71 10 361
___depress1on 3 632 63.19% 2 017 2.27 2.00 1.51 2 415
UrPaI0_KAK_PAK_ 3 630 64.42% 1 070 3.26 2.39 1.87 7 720
HKBD71RUS 3 612 98.89% 580 20.32 4.49 2.44 808
KAKTYC_OLOLO 3 602 69.71% 1 138 4.51 3.11 1.88 6 636
Iuciferus 3 585 63.85% 1 443 2.40 1.87 1.54 1 173
A_POKEMON 3 571 87.08% 914 5.64 2.57 1.74 1 641
Eynschteyn 3 549 68.72% 879 3.52 2.58 1.66 8 295
alexxx_777_1 3 544 61.31% 823 4.99 3.23 1.68 3 874
TonoBblu_CBETJI9IK 3 516 86.88% 912 5.34 3.03 1.97 72 854
sQula__ 3 506 84.95% 800 4.92 2.69 1.60 28 327
CTpeJIok_TBoeu_Me4TbI_52 3 477 65.45% 1 374 3.82 2.22 1.72 23 422
S_Sergei_3 3 438 75.80% 1 104 4.27 3.45 1.75 13 057
RenamedUser_313675 3 422 84.28% 944 4.64 2.30 1.74 3 822
HoLuKu_EcTb 3 415 63.10% 1 093 2.58 1.73 1.64 355
_Kapitan_97 3 353 64.79% 1 064 2.51 1.98 1.48 1 403
improvisatore 3 341 73.78% 1 046 3.73 2.94 1.94 53 615
NASTYA_NI_RAK 3 334 69.90% 1 016 2.59 1.85 1.60 3 977
Ladar34 3 328 69.01% 895 1.79 1.62 1.27 1 991
NIK77777NIK_2020 3 280 58.76% 820 2.71 1.96 1.58 902
sab___ 3 278 64.54% 1 605 2.86 1.78 1.72 37 351
llJagerll28RUS 3 259 75.80% 1 024 3.40 1.81 1.78 1 368
XAKEP__Ha__OXOTE 3 244 82.18% 1 006 5.32 2.96 1.76 7 386
TWIN_PEAKS__ 3 203 65.69% 796 2.36 1.70 1.49 1 297
MiXaN_1986 3 202 63.88% 861 2.44 1.83 1.69 15 007
ne_On__ 3 186 77.68% 637 3.08 1.69 1.43 4 665
_CCCP_36rus_ 3 181 74.09% 769 5.75 2.76 2.18 8 437
Rilitori 3 170 76.21% 641 2.95 1.69 1.44 5 764
MaMa_KopMuT_3a_CTaTy 3 148 61.53% 1 793 2.43 2.31 1.47 1 557
IGROK_55555_111 3 134 66.26% 862 2.69 1.92 1.43 3 616
HaKyPeNblLL_KlOyN 3 076 62.82% 662 2.55 1.93 1.71 2 961
Lifchikom_v_eblo 3 069 88.98% 775 8.13 2.67 1.73 1 134
MOOFIK 3 035 69.89% 1 113 1.90 1.84 1.30 5 081
val_100_ 3 029 60.76% 932 2.40 1.88 1.44 7 362
_BUPATINO_ 3 007 74.82% 1 056 3.18 2.01 1.37 16 730
CBET_B_OTBET 2 997 79.07% 970 4.90 3.16 1.56 40 457
RechnoyRak 2 926 67.27% 1 385 2.04 1.78 1.23 52 627
Ha_JIa6yTeHaX__ 2 879 77.80% 963 3.98 2.58 1.66 36 199
ComeBack_2021_ 2 875 67.37% 1 128 4.45 2.06 1.94 1 140
CMEPTb_u3_TyJlbl 2 824 95.07% 547 8.95 3.56 1.95 22 156
Zikstar 2 784 75.69% 1 211 3.81 3.06 1.57 65 032
MGL0M 2 743 76.00% 741 3.54 2.25 1.79 325
Machelas 2 716 63.85% 1 454 3.21 2.02 1.62 5 782
FureOne 2 702 60.73% 842 2.07 1.37 1.43 4 673
POP_Resp 2 701 79.83% 635 4.74 2.54 1.84 3 421
The_Only_Love 2 678 60.82% 1 309 2.15 1.69 1.37 1 003
Do6pblu_voin 2 636 71.70% 670 2.83 1.75 1.47 27 390
_Gaboi_ 2 616 71.85% 817 4.66 2.60 1.85 8 633
_BcTPeTuMc9_B__aDy 2 597 66.20% 1 325 2.93 1.88 1.44 2 337
DrDriver 2 593 79.81% 1 085 5.99 3.92 1.77 46 310
_Bodri4ok_97 2 581 63.71% 951 1.87 1.58 1.17 6 900
9I_3HAMEHUTbIU_ 2 512 68.57% 1 016 2.39 1.96 1.47 12 990
mr_S_D_pro 2 470 60.05% 1 279 2.40 1.69 1.41 33 227
smertmashina_226 2 461 61.07% 1 174 2.00 1.55 1.34 23 806
uran1977kav 2 429 72.51% 944 4.04 2.17 1.55 27 785
6OEBOu_nEJlbMEHb___ 2 214 76.41% 992 4.97 1.72 1.94 59 907
CQI03 2 160 77.27% 574 3.57 1.78 1.79 4 769
Oxotnik_Na_Tvinkov 2 127 83.88% 616 6.78 2.85 1.94 2 723
Bukyce4ka 2 120 66.80% 973 2.38 1.94 1.35 47 467
Ieshy 2 079 61.88% 1 182 1.56 1.27 1.05 160
MoJl4aHka 2 078 59.68% 817 1.86 1.33 1.10 5 675
AlexSolvent 2 074 58.86% 1 150 2.40 1.83 1.35 35 461
LeTyaschiy_Drakon 2 028 62.81% 786 2.35 2.09 1.29 9 673
Roman40_rus 1 737 60.95% 954 2.04 1.19 1.21 9 306