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Oxotnik_Na_Tvinkov's player stats

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3 225
2 085
Marks of Excellence
Mastery Badges

Session statistics


Total vehicles: 24
Displayed vehicles: 3
Vehicles with battles during the last three months are displayed

Nation Class Tier Name Battles WR DMG K/D FRG EXP MoE Mastery Badges
Germany Light tanks 1 Leichttraktor 157 81.53% 861 14.35 3.38 667 Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker
Poland Medium tanks 10 CS-63 Wilk 2 50.00% 2 289 2 1 779 Mastery Badge: 3 class
Japan Heavy tanks 5 O-I Experimental 1 N/A 437 1 1 308

Clans History

Clan Role Joined Left Days in clan
Clan logo [_N0_1] The BEST of the BEST_ Member of this clan at the moment
Clan logo [_NO_1] _the BEST of the BEST_ Junior officer 09.10.2022 01.03.2023 143
Clan logo [FHD] FULL HD Recruit 10.12.2021 02.10.2022 296
Clan logo [4I7OK] Чпонькни 46%го зверька Private 17.07.2018 07.12.2021 1 239
Clan logo [F0RZE] F0RZE ™ Recruit 19.07.2017 17.06.2018 333
Clan logo [STATA] This is STATA! Private 05.11.2016 16.04.2017 162
Clan logo [SEXY-] Sexy girls and boys Recruit 27.10.2016 02.11.2016 7
Clan logo [NAVI] Natus Vincere (Na`Vi) Recruit 20.09.2016 18.10.2016 28
Clan logo [NO__1] Не умеешь ТАЩИТЬ?! Бери базу) Private 19.05.2016 22.06.2016 34
Clan logo [NEVIL] NEVIL Reservist 02.11.2015 17.03.2016 135
Clan logo [NO__1] Не умеешь ТАЩИТЬ?! Бери базу) Private 16.09.2015 26.10.2015 40